
Enhance your site with additional inexpensive but awesome components that will provide you with tangible benefits and usability!


A basic set of components is provided free of charge when creating a site.

Website improvement

Have you already ordered a website from us and want to add even more of its features?

Your site already has a basic set of components in the site's content management system.

A convenient content management system (CMS) is used to easily change the information on your site. It allows you to create an unlimited number of sections, subsections and pages. To place information on the page, you need to use the desired site components such as a text editor, gallery, slider, etc. You can improve your site at any time using ready-made components.

The basic set of components, which you can see in your admin panel when editing a page, includes:

  1. Text
  2. Picture
  3. Gallery
  4. Slider
  5. Link / Button
  6. File
  7. Loudspeakers
  8. Snippet
  9. Style
  10. Form
© 2013−2025

© 2013−2025 Viva IT Studio

Website development studio

We work all over the world